An updated, inside look at achieving triathlon success

NEW BOOK – Triathlon Anatomy, Second Edition, provides an inside look at multi-sport training. Featuring step-by-step instructions and detailed anatomical illustrations for 78 exercises, you will see how to strengthen muscles and increase stamina to conquer each leg of this demanding sport.
Available from Human Kinetics (May 2020).
Champaign, IL -- Triathlon Anatomy, Second Edition, will help strengthen muscles and increase stamina for running across various terrains, cycling steep inclines, and swimming in open water.
Triathlon Anatomy features 78 of the most effective multisport exercises with step-by-step descriptions and full-color anatomical illustrations highlighting the muscles in action. It shows how each exercise is fundamentally linked to performance and how to put it all together to develop a training program based on individual needs and goals. Whether training for a first triathlon or preparing for their next Ironman, with Triathlon Anatomy readers will see much more than the exercises—they’ll also see the results.
About the authors
Mark Klion, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with specialty training in sports medicine, a clinical instructor at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and an active member of the shoulder and sports medicine service. He serves as an educator for the medical school and the department of orthopedic surgery. He is also the director of orthopedics at St. Barnabas Hospital in New York, a level II trauma center. Klion has participated in 11 Ironman triathlons, including Hawaii Ironman 2000 and 2001. He has completed 15 marathons in addition to many ultradistance running and biking races. He serves as the medical director for the New York City Triathlon. He is active in the triathlon and endurance community, providing lectures about sports-medicine-related issues to local clubs and groups.
Jonathan Cane, better known as Coach Cane, has been coaching endurance athletes for over 30 years. He is the cofounder and head coach of City Coach, a running and triathlon coaching company, where he coaches athletes ranging from beginners to world champions and world record holders. In addition to his work with City Coach, he has coached for Nike, JackRabbit, and Under Armour. Cane is the coauthor of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Weight Training and has written for MetroSports Magazine, NY Runner, and Triathlete Magazine. He has been a featured speaker for Nike, New York Road Runners, and more.
Request a review copy of Triathlon Anatomy, Second Edition from Sue Outlaw via (please include shipping address and phone number). Additionally, please let Sue know if you’d like myself or Jonathan Cane for an article, on-air interview, recorded podcast, or personalized blog post.